
This is an After ~ Powder Room

AAAAAAHHH!!  I'm so in love with my new powder room.  We literally peek in there every day now and get a bit giddy with the results of our little redo.  Why didn't I do this 3 years ago??  Here's another look at the before:

 Oh I never want to see these pictures again after this post.  Uggh!!  So here is my GORGEOUS powder room now.  I wish so much that these pictures were better but there is zero natural light in this tiny little cavern of my house and I hate the camera flash.  These still make my heart thump a little anyway...

Who knew I could love a hand towel so much?  Thank you West Elm for upping my glee a notch.  Do you love it?  I hope maybe half as much as I do at least.  But OF COURSE I still have questions (and accessories to add...a rug?  artwork? maybe a little shelf or two?).  I set out with a very simple vision and have completely achieved that, but now I'm wondering if it needs a little more punch?

What do you think?  Do you like the simplicity of the powder room as is, or do you think I should add a bold wallpaper above the paneling?  I think the black and white would really look fabulous behind the big gilded mirror.

I really want your opinion so PLEASE give me your vote in the comments lovely readers!

Baylor Says...

Whenever he sees something new that I'm wearing (today it is some orange flip flops that I haven't worn in months), Baylor points and says "What her got?" And then he carefully investigates whatever it is.  Usually I then get a "it's cute, Mom Mom."  Ahhhhhh the best.


  1. Black and white rocks, but it's easy to get sick of paper than a pain to remove it. Try black and white prints and shelves over the toilet for dimension. Put black and white crap on the shelves to continue the look with one color to accent (bright yellow, or orange perhaps) Not too much as to clutter.

    Very nice.

  2. Oh Lauren I love it!!!! You have a bathroom I would see in a magazine and think "I could never have that"! I think I am actually diggin the black and white wall paper. I do love the birds...how different. I've alway been afraid to mix silver and gold, but this makes me want to try it!
    As for the Baylor quote...wait until you go days without make up and then you get a wild hair to put some on and they say "WOW, mommy you look so pretty, close your eyes and let me see, is that a new necklace" They can make feel like the most beautiful mom on Earth! (all while dad is just sitting there, ha!)

  3. the wallpaper thing can get old quick--they make huge stencils now that are really modern and would add a nice touch without all the complications of wallpaper.

  4. It looks awesome! The chandelier is just yummy! Liz

  5. Thanks so much girls!! Love the input on the wallpaper...so much to consider.

    Nikki, that is my favorite comment to date. First, thank you for the compliment. And that's the whole reason I started my blog...there are so many professional designers with amazing blogs that I have no hope to duplicate. I just kinda feel like showing a "real person's" house based on how inspired I am by all their work. And with a normal person's budget, ha!

    And I LOVE mixing gold and silver. Watch out, it is addicting. :-)

  6. The 1st or 3rd one - I know how much you love the first one (and I like it!) but my favorite is the 3rd one. Love the towel holder :)

  7. I love it Lauren!! Its so FANCY! The mirror rocks and chandelier is perfect and I agree with Nikki I love the idea of black and white, I think I like the stripes the best. I am very into stripes these days. My pool furniture is striped I keep buying the boys clothes in stripes and I keep buying striped shirts for myself which is not too flatering at 20 weeks pregnant!! Good job Lauren, keep em coming I love this stuff

  8. Love the mirror. Love the millwork. Love the sparkly light fixture. I say NO shelf. Art work, yes. Wallpaper......hmmm, maybe. But totally not needed. i know what you mean about that awesome gilded mirror screaming to have bold black and white behind it though. That is just the right blue...just the right blue!

  9. I'm scared of bold black and white. I don't know why. Might be worth the money to buy one roll of whatever you decide and just tape (or whatever) a bit up on the wall and see what you think. I'm sure I'm just chicken. I know whatever you do will look AWESOME!

  10. NO to wallpaper ... just took down wallpaper =[
    wellllll maybe the bird?


Oh I am so craving your comments! Thank you so much for stopping by and saying something nice.