
This is Just a Little Here and There

Y'ALL!  Remember what's going on in my powder room?  It's almost done.

No that is not the inspiration photo, that is MINE. I could NOT be more thrilled with the results so far, but my gorgeous and amazingly talented friend Julie has suggested a little more pizazz in the form of a wallpaper.  Hmmmm....

I think that would look amazing!  It is Blackbird in white by a company called Cavern, and I discovered it this morning by perusing one of my daily reads Bijou and Boheme.  We'll see what Julie thinks.  It will be fantastic with the incredible chandelier I found that will be hung tomorrow....!!

Okay, I know that saying "Look what I found at HomeGoods!" is like saying "Wow, puppies are cute!".  Of COURSE I found something awesome in that dangerous place.  We love that HomeGoods provides great looks at prices we average Joelines can afford, but we have to use a light hand there, right?  Most of the quality is a little suspect, so I don't buy anything that I won't care if I have to throw it out in a year.  But just look...

These are so neutral and great!  The purpose of these cute little storage benches is twofold.  One, they can go anywhere.  My husband's new office (with lots and lots of rooms to decorate- SQUEAL.), the new big boy room, or in the family room to hold all the piles we like to hide (or not) when people come over. Two, I have strongly been considering some pretty little benches to tuck under the console in our entry and these are wonderful, inexpensive placeholders that will help me know if I like the look enough to spring for some really fabulous ones.

Lastly, remember the Great Purple Problem?  It's over.  Here are some new sample panels that are hanging in our bedroom right now.  One of these colors will be the jumping off point for our new Master Bedroom plan...

They look funny because they are just samples and they are hanging precariously from the top of our terrible blinds.  And I wish the rich color of the teal was coming through because it is very very pretty. Isn't that apple green terrific?!  And it is not everywhere in my house like blue is, so it would be something very different.  Tell me what you think and then I'll tell you what I'm pretty sure we've already decided.  Ha!

BTW, these sample panels are from a fun place called The Curtain Exchange.  Terri Perry (adorable, right?) is so nice and while they have a ton of panels in stock, she can help you create virtually any look you're interested in from thousands of fabrics she carries.  She is coming to my house next week to measure for Peepie's big boy curtains!  They are an oatmeal linen with various shades of blue pinstripes.  I can't wait until his new room comes together!

Baylor Says...

Baylor was picking up little 'baby rocks' outside yesterday.  He rocked them and then placed them gently down, patted them sweetly and whispered "sleep tight".  Oh the cuteness...it overwhelms me.

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