
This is What I Did Last Night ~ Friday Night Auction

One of my FAVORITE things to do on a Friday night is hang out at a local estate auction house (I think that officially means that I'm old.  Who says things like that?).  Even if I weren't interested in any thing there, auctions are extremely entertaining. It's an interesting group of regulars to say the least.  Mostly antique dealers and the like, but a difficult group to describe...future post?  

Anyway, I have found some pretty amazing treasure there in the past, and last night was no different!!  I came home a little giddy.  A few pictures from last night's packed house...these people were most certainly collectors.  Some of the items I would never look twice at sold for THOUSANDS of dollars.  A signed Lalique lizard bowl for $6k??  Really?  

There was much hooting and hollering over this bronze statue that ended up selling for around $1500.

All of someone's earthly possessions...a wideview.

Many many antiques and 'important' collectibles.  But in an estate auction like this they sell EVERYTHING.  Even a box crammed with random glasses and costume jewelry will go to the highest bidder ($20 took home all the woman's handbags).

Here is what I scored!  First, a small (but crazy heavy) old brass (?) anchor mirror for $20.

Not usually much of a nautical person, but I love this and think it will make cool addition somewhere in the Big Boy Room.

Love this gorgeous, coppery garden seat! ($40)

Alright, let's get to the heart of the night.  There was a lot of artwork there last night.  Some went for a few bucks, some for $$$$.  I know little about art, and less about what I like.  I've just not quite figured out what my taste is (no taste doesn't count, does it?).  But I saw this ink drawing and really liked it.  I rarely ever see a piece of art and think "Hey, I like that!" so I decided to stick around and bid on it.  I took FOREVER.  So long that I worked up in my head that I would pay up to $50 for it!  That is big for El Cheapo.  Truly, in my head I was singing Hey Big Spender! all giddily thinking I was pretty big time auction attendee.  Then when it came up for bid they announced "And now the Picasso piece"...Picasso?  I hadn't even noticed.  But of course nobody normal just has a Picasso laying around...do they?  I have no idea, but these people have a $6k lizard bowl, so who knows?

Someone else started bidding against me!  I thought I had this thing in the bag, but no, somebody else wanted it too.  It must be cool, it must be mine.  So it was, for $135.  

Could this be real?  Why would it go so cheap?  Maybe everyone there blew their cash on $2k tiny Tiffany lamps (really people?) and couldn't stretch their budget for the gem at the end.  My mind was racing all the way home.  

I did some googling and it turns out that this particular Picasso piece, The Man of La Mancha, is a rare reprint.  Not Picasso touring at Museums valuable, but a value at $135 and I couldn't be more pleased.  Not sure where its permanent home will be...maybe on the Gallery Wall.  Yay!!


  1. Oh my goodness!!!!! Your exact Picasso print was in Rob's bachelor pad, oh yes over his bed! So I've got another if you want it. I moved it to his office :)

  2. Haha...well, smarty, I love it! And depending on how old his is, I've seen a few in online auctions for a few hundred $$ so get yourself some pocket money. :-)

  3. Love the mirror. I have always like that print too, reminds me of my mother.

  4. OK Rob informed me that it is just a poster, HAHAHA! He said good taste though :)


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