
Stream of consciousness of the last 7 months of babbling.....the time we left the gym and I said "Baylor! You left your sippy cup at the gym!" and he said "DANG!". That was the first time I realized he understood me and I laughed for days.....

Once when we were at Sam's Baylor pointed to different cereals and said "Mom Mom's cereal" (Special K), "Daddy's cereal" (Lucky Charms), "Baylor's cereal" (cheerios) and then pointed to my purse and said "Call Daddy!" Apparently I always call Daddy after he does something smart or particularly funny...

In my family we call the little boy parts Tinkers, but Baylor calls his a Tonk. :-)

He names cars after new people he meets...Beau and Kissy...

He yells my first name when he wants something...ala Daddy I suppose...

So many adorable things this child has said that I hope will come flooding back to me and I'm committed to recording them more faithfully.

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