
This is Spring Springing

Have you all seen this real life reenactment of Up??  Amazing.  

The always educational Today Show told me this morning that not only is Daylight Savings this weekend (yes!  It's true!  I didn't know either.), but that it's warming up all over the place.  Who knew?  I saw 77 degrees in Dallas...weren't y'all just having icestorms?  It's tough down here in South Florida keeping up with the seasons in the rest of the country, so this Spring-iness just snuck up on me.

Are you ready for long lazy dinners on the porch and weekends spent by the lake?  YES!!  

All images via Pinterest

Baylor Says...

Baylor has two big ceramic ducks that sit on his dresser across the room from his crib.  He wakes up from his nap every day just chatting away.  I noticed lately it is less jibber jabber and more of a conversational tone...so when I peeked in his room yesterday, I said "Who are you talking to?"  He looked straight at the ducks and said "I was asking them a question!"  And then he asked me if the ducks could come downstairs and play cars.  Boy does it always come back to the cars.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures, as I'm looking out my window of a rainy day and calling for snow showers tonight, WHAT IS GOING ON???

    I just realized that Baylor is still in his crib. SOOOO jealous, Calvin was out by 18 months and Julian's rail came down at 15 months!!! Yes, it is crazy. That is the down fall (or fore site) of having a pediatrician in the house. You climb out once and the rail comes off! (I'm still working on the fact that this isn't my blog :)


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