
This is What I Found Friday: Auction Night!!

I'm kind of nuts about these chairs that will be up for bid tonight.  What do you think?  How cool is the spider web back?  I wonder if that is uncomfortable.  I'm pretty sure I don't care.

Here you can see a little of the back of the chairs where the upholstering appears to reiterate the spider web effect.  Love the wide stripe welting too.  Hey, that marble top table is pretty cool too.  Oh dear.  

And if anyone wants this soft portable hot tub, I'm happy to pick it up for you while I'm there.  Party on Wayne!

Should I get the chairs???  And if the answer is yes (and it should be), what should my ceiling be?  They will probably go as a pair, but tell me what you would pay apiece too.  Just in case.  You have to be prepared for curve balls, y'all.

Baylor Says...

This child.  He's not always baby powder and halos.  There is a new CVS around the corner from our house that we have watched daily be built from the ground up.  Every day that we drive by, Baylor announces with glee "It's ABOUT TO OPEN!!"  So excited about the new CVS.  The big day finally arrived so I took him to the grand opening.  We had a talk in the car (which we do, a lot...preparation is key with him.  We pray every day on the way to school for Baylor to have nice hands and a sweet mouth.) about how he was going to behave when it was time to go and he agreed that he would leave when I said so.  HAHAHAHAHAHA.  He acted like a maniac when the time came to leave...I mean wailing.  I didn't say a word I just scooped him up and walked briskly out with him screaming "DON'T SPANK ME DON'T SPANK ME" at the top of his lungs all the way to the car.  Maybe I can call in sick tomorrow?


  1. I give you permission to spend as much as you need to on those chairs - as long as you pack them up and send them to Arkansas ASAP. They are so cool!

    I can relate to the CVS incident. One time I had to carry Wilson around the farmer's market on the square screaming "Don't spank me! I don't want to die!!" It was a long walk to the car. :)

  2. HAHA!!! Not my sweet Wilson.

    Thanks, I needed that. :-)

  3. I so love those chairs, I had to text you instantly and I'm afraid it might be too late!
    I wait to hear what you did! I want to go to estate sales. That is what my mom did :) it was her "hobby".

    As for the Baylor story...I feel your pain. Then I learned about the world of bribery!!! Or "positive reinforcement" as the parenting books call it :)

  4. In church one time, Paolo was acting up a little and Marcelo grabbed his arm to make him sit by him, and Paolo yelled, "Papa HIT me!" we were mortified!

    LOVE the chairs!


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