
This is What I'm Craving for my Dining Room

About a year ago I stumbled into Mecox Gardens.  Having just developed an interest in interior decorating, I'd never been told of this beautiful mecca of home decor.  I think for the first two minutes I just stood in the doorway taking it all in.  Everywhere my eyes landed was something gorgeous that made my heart thump- I want. I want. I want. As I began to make my way around the store I noticed the price tags.  Sweet pajamas, I could not afford so much as a pillow there.  One of the first things I saw was this big metal table.  I remember I thought it was so weird...who wants a metal table?  But then I kept thinking about it and going back to peek at it.  So unusual.  So unique.  So industrial.  So gorgeous!  So....holy smokes, so expensive.  I'm pretty sure this remarkable table was around $5000.  Gasp.  I went home defeated, yet I couldn't stop thinking about this table.  The tag on it said it was a zinc top trestle table, so off to the googles I went.  And search after search brought me back to the beloved blogs that I read day after day to gather interior design inspiration for my own home.  They know about this table!!  In fact, it appeared that I was the only one who didn't.

Brook Giannetti's Sunroom from Velvet & Linen

 Image via My Notting Hill

My favorite find was the sweet blogger Linsey Lewis Hasenbank from LLH Designs.  She apparently went through the same thing I did at Mecox (but I think she got to keep hers..so jealous!).  Here are some views of her new zinc table.

Surely by now you're in one of three camps: 1) Lauren, I hate that! 2) Lauren, that's pretty but way too casual for a dining room table.  3) Lauren, YOU MUST HAVE THAT IMMEDIATELY.  

Okay, so here's my exciting news for those of you in group 3.  I have spent the last year hunting though thrift stores, antique stores, and consignment stores looking for a table on which the crafty Tom can add a zinc top, and I found one yesterday!!  I'm so very excited about this possibility.  I'm seeing crisp white wing chairs at the ends, mismatched whitewashed frenchy chairs on one side, and a long bench upholstered in something bright (blue, natch) on the other.  

Please, let me know what you think!  Let me know which group you fall into, do you hate this?  Do you love this?  Are you scrambling for your checkbook right now because you feel so strongly I should have this?

Baylor says...

Baylor loves to turn everything into nicknames these days.  Specifically, most things are 'ydoos'. "Croc-ydoos!" "Quack-ydoos!" Many things are 'zers': "Shoe-zers! Three-zers!"  Two is so fun and I know it just gets better and better.  I look forward to every day...it's amazing how children make you feel that way.


  1. I am thinking.....it should be relatively easy to find someone to fabricate the top. I loooove the idea of white slipcovered wing chairs at the heads of the table. The blue bench - brilliant! brilliant.

  2. I love the unique table idea...i really think u can pull it off!

    http://kellymoorephotography.com/mooreblog/?p=7560 <<has a similiar table & i love how her eating area turned out! Cant wait to see yours!

  3. Thank you so much for your comments Beth and Kati! I'm just crazy about this idea and can't wait to see it happen. :-)

  4. I'm honored that my blog and photos inspired you, but I have to confess I didn't stick with the Mecox table. In the end, I didn't all out LOVE the zinc for my dining room, and for that price, you have to love it for a LONG time!

    I'd love zinc for my kitchen one day, but I designed a slightly more refined table for my dining room. Here's how it turned out:


    I think your thrift shop find sounds like a perfect plan. Go for it!


  5. Linsey thank you so much for sharing! I love the table you ended up having made, it is beautiful and fits your lovely space just perfectly.

    I enjoyed so much reading about your search!


  6. Wow, I have never heard of a zinc table and I'm totally doing my research on this! I love it! I would love that for my breakfast table. I think for your style and the way your house is set up, it would be PERFECT to have a unique dinning table like that. I'm in the look out for original old church pews for my breakfast nook with the wing back chair for the ends...like you mentioned. Help me get creative!!!!!!! My style is totally different, but so much the same...if that makes any sense. xoxo

  7. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you don't ,I will :)

  8. Ok, this zinc table thing has inspired me. I think we are now going to put zinc sheets on our basement bar counter top with our worm copper sink!!! Rob is really liking my new idea!!! Hopefully this will be cheaper than the $6K granite we picked out. I guess that is what happens when you have good taste and NO price tag.

  9. Oh Nikki, you're my very first inspirations story!!! :-)

  10. I love the look.....and love your idea of wing chairs. I want to do the same in my kitchen...with monograms. I went to high school with Linsey....funny!


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