
This is What's Going On ~ Plates in the Air

I have so many projects going on right now in this house (and a few beyond this house) that sometimes I feel like 

But then when I start to see results I feel so

And I just can't WAIT to finish some of these so I can share them with you and you're gonna be all

I can see the end in sight, but for now I'm gazing at this little beauty that is now hanging in the master bedroom.

I love her.  She is dreamy and on a dimmer switch.

Baylor Says...

From the moment Baylor showed signs of talking, I began my brainwashing.  I'm crazily obsessed with sports and have very strong opinions on my teams and I really feel it's only natural to pass these on to my child.  Baylor's very first party trick was "Boooooo"ing LSU and "Bleeeech"ing the Yankees.  Yesterday, pretty much out of the blue, Baylor announced "I like Ole Miss, the Red Sox, and the Yankees are dirty! BLEEECH!"

*sniff* That's my boy.


  1. Very entertaining intro! Love the chandelier! Very impressed! What are you going to do without a ceiling fan? I know that is a total decor nono, but it was made for a reason :) Have you thought about that BB bedroom that we stayed in Oxford? That would be RIGHT up your ally, I would think. Just thinking about that room....how dreamy!! That huge lush bed with amazing linens and soft colors..YUM!

  2. sweet boy. still love my dirty yankees :)


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