
This is My Refrigerator

We always eat very healthy around here...

Ha ha....suckers.

I'm working on my 'styling' skills as I prepare to take pictures of my house for the blog (you're not going to see my piles people!).  I'm actually pretty impressed that is all the junk I could find in the fridge to pose for the bad picture, and that Pina Colada isn't even ours- it's Tom's.  I really just think carrots with their stems are so pretty and wanted a picture.  Is that weird?

Anyway, in other news, this is going on Craigslist...

Why did I take my pretty duvet off before the Craigslist picture?  No idea.

because this is being delivered today!  (How sick are y'all of hearing about this dang bed?)

Click here to view larger image

Woo hoo!!!

Baylor Says...

The other day a man from ADT came to work on the alarm system in our house and Baylor was instantly in tow.  Baylor's latest routine is "what's your name? I'm Baylor."  The man was Hispanic and told him is name was "Jesus" (pronounced Hay-soos)...and Baylor called him "Dr. Seuss" throughout the rest of his visit. 


  1. That bed is BEAUTIFUL! My current sleigh bed has serious envy going on right now. I have got to stop reading design blogs.

  2. Beautiful bed! did mom tell me it was monstrously huge?

    And Dr. Seuss is the best I've ever heard.


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