
This is How Purple Could Still Work

The purple dilemma is keeping me up at night, for real. On the one hand I so don't want a purple room, and my husband has relented and said that he absolutely wants me to be happy and he certainly doesn't care enough to force it on me. On the other hand, I can't think of any decor related item/color/scheme/idea in our home that I have consulted him on, much less let him decide. It would be nice to follow through with the one choice he has made.

Okay, it's looking like it's not going to happen but let me go ahead and show you the inspiration files I've tucked away while considering how to make purple pretty. (Ed. note- Oh great, new blogger has no idea how to put photos in order. This should be fun.)

Yes, this room is blue. But in my mind I can flip everything blue to purple and see how it could be pretty.

I love all the different purples layered together here.

This was a really good one for me, because when I think purple I think kind of 'glammy', and that is not my style at all, really. But that one little purple throw there made me think I could add in all those neutrals and calm it down a little bit. Almost preppy with the pale yellows and oatmeals.
Another pretty purple room, and shows that I can leave my ceiling and crown molding white, which is a point I am struggling with.

Purple can be serene.
And I LOVE LOVE this room, although after seeing it described on other blogs, I may be the only one who sees purples. Apparently the walls are really black and that gorgeous tablecloth is really gray. No matter, I see purples and this room is just fabulous.

Now we get down to some really good news. As I mentioned earlier, Nicole from the amazing blog Sketch42 gave me some wonderful insight on a few ways to change direction on the wall color and design aspects of the room and still incorporate the deep eggplant purple that my husband wants. She suggested a light mocha on the walls with the purple silk taffeta drapes that I originally had planned. What a beautiful idea, and one that I wish I had any sort of photoshopping skills and could put together to show you! Ahhh, maybe later. Another suggestion she had for a wall color was a pale aqua. Like this!

via studioten25.com

I have had this picture saved for very long time and never looked twice at the wall color. I kept it because I love the different fabrics this person used on the bed pillows and bench, and that duvet is very similar to my new one. And look! Is that a purplish blanket tucked neatly around the sheets? And look! A cream upholstered headboard like the one I will soon have! Nicole may be on to something here....what do you think??

Fyi- since I'm new around the blog world, I haven't kept up with where my pictures originated. :-( I PROMISE that I will be more diligent so that I can give due credit in future posts.


  1. Lauren..I had purple(aubergine, actually) walls throughout my house! No problem.

    White molding. Pair it with deep red, deep orange, lavender/silver...depends on how you want to go with it.

    Easiest to use as accent wall behind bed. I did a whole room, but it will give it that cozy feeling. I putreally colorful paintings in one room and black & white with it in another.

    Have fun

  2. can't wait to see what you do!!!!! are you on pinterest.com You need to be! Fun to find ideas there!

  3. 1. I just told my mom the other day I wanted to do my bedroom in a deep/dark purple...with greys & cremes SO...I'll be interested in following along in your journey to a purple room! =)
    2. That last pictures is ALSO saved in my files of "stuff I like" on my computer! ha! The room is just so calming & clean & fresh!

  4. So funny! That last photo is from a designer here in Dallas. It's her master bedroom. Here is her website. http://studioten25.com/index2.php#/home/

  5. Thanks girls!

    Awesome Carrie, I'll check it out and credit her immediately. I love that room!

  6. Lauren,
    Thank you so much for including our master in the post! The blog is looking good!


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